About Sitemaps!
A sitemap is a file that lives on your web server and lists all of the relevant URLs that are in the structure of your website. It helps search engine web crawlers determine the structure of the site so they can crawl it more intelligently. The map can help users find important pages on your website and gives them a simple layout! Call our team today and get your quote!
About Me!
Mike Oser
Internet Consulting
One business ends, and a new one begins! Forrest Gump was correct, like is like a box of chocolates! I ran an e-commerce website from 2008 until 2016! My health took a turn for the worse in December 2016 and I sold the business! After my second neck surgery January 26 2017 I had a career decision to make!
I designed a few websites for friends and enjoyed the work! My e-commerce site took up a lot of time, but really liked the social media and SEO aspects! I dove in head first in 2008! I paid big money to a website designer and a healthy monthly fee to maintain my site! That lasted about one year, then I started to read articles, watch youtube, and took my first on-line class! After the 8 hour class I fired my website designer and started to hack away! Nine years later I am designing this site and have a few customers in our first week! I have learned a lot in 8 years and now I’m ready to help you and your company! Give me a call and we will get you fixed up with great internet solution!